Lærður byssusmiður og smíðar mikið af vönduðum hnífum
Skoða má hnífana sem Jóhann smíðar á síðunni
hans: http://icelandicknives.com/
Helstu störf og afrek
- 2014
- Vann
lengi í Ellingsen veiðideildinni en starfar nú sjálfstætt með J.
Vilhjálmsson byssu og hnífaþjónustu.
- 1996
- 1995
- Útskrifaðist sem byssusmiður í Belgíu
Á ensku
Johann Vilhjalmsson (born 1955) is an accredited gunsmith and has been custom making knives for many years. He is also a skilled mechanic and an engineer and worked as such before learning gunsmithing at the ICET Leon Mignon – the school for gunsmiths – in Liége in Belgium. After completing three years of study and specializing in stock making and engraving Johann moved back to Iceland in 1996. There he established his workshop and a gun store in downtown Reykjavik.
http://icelandicknives.com/?page_id=37Knivemaking has been Johann’s special interest and hobby for many years. He has designed “The Icelandic Hunting Knive” a specialized tool for hunters. The shaft is made from Icelandic reindeer antlers.Johann designs and makes his knives from scratch. He first makes the blades and hardens the steel in a special oven. The knive shafts are made from esquisit kinds of wood, animal bones, antlers and metals. Some of the knives are engraved, often with traditional Icelandic patterns some of them from the era of the Vikings.Johann is a member of The Belgian Knivemakers Society (BKS). He has participated in many of their joint exhibitions and won the Silver File Reward in the competition for the Gold File Awards (Lime d’Or) in 1998. Johann received the award for a Sicilian dagger type of knive.
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